
 You might find these quotes useful during the times when u feel gloomy… meditate on them and hopefully they will bring a feeling of hope to you and perk up your mood, giving you ample energy for the day:)

Optimism is making the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes.

For myself I am an optimist- it does not seem to be much use being anything else- Winston Churchill

If you think you will lose, you are lost,

For out in the world we find

Success begins with a fellow’s will;

It’s all in the state of mind.

Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man;

But soon or late the man who wins

Is the man who thinks he can – Walter D. Wintle

Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights  and see the possibilities – always see them, for they’re always there – Norman Vincent Peale

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind – William James

An optimist is the human personification of spring – Susan J. Bissonette

Write it in your heart that every day is the best day in the year – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Positive thinking is the key to success in business, education, pro football, anything that you can mention. I go out there thinking that I am going to complete every pass – Ron Jaworski

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Sunshine Toast


You will need:

1 slice of bread

1 egg

2 tablespoon butter

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

What to do:

1)      Lay the slice of bread down flat and cut a hole in the middle of it using a cookie cutter. Break the egg into a small bowl.

2)      Heat the butter and oil in a frying pan. Fry the bread on one side.

3)      Turn the slice of bread over and then pour the egg into the hole in the middle of the bread.

4)      Fry the egg and bread until the egg white is set but the yolk is still runny, then lift it out of the pan onto a plate.

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Mini Pizza


What you need:

1)      Slice of bread

2)      Tomato sauce

3)      Cheese

4)      Chicken frankfurters / Tuna

5)      Sliced mushrooms

6)      Sliced tomatoes

7)      Olives

What to do:

1)      Put a spoonful of tomato sauce onto the bread and spread it evenly.

2)      Layer on the toppings you like best.

3)      Grill the pizzas for a few minutes until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Enjoy the process of making pizza that are so easy to make and which children will love to devour:)

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Love Leadership

I recently became a fan of Nanz Komo who started a website to inspire women all over the world. Her latest addition to her website which impressed greatly on my heart was about “Love Leadership”, a concept brought about the founder of Operation Hope, John Bryant hope, which hold 5 basic principles:

1) Loss Creates Leaders – if you have suffered under a horrible boss, instead of turning into that person, use your bad experience to become a love leader. Destroy your ex-boss’s bad deeds by your love, and watch your own leadership blossom.

2) Fear Fails – those who lead by fear will achieve short-lived goals, but ultimately they will fail. History has proven this time and time again. Replace fear with love.

3) Love Makes Money – Investing in love will give you paybacks in ways you never imagined. Think back on how many times you have got a new job or won a new business contract because someone you showed love and care to connected you or put in a good word for you. Build genuine relationships and set your mind on love — you and the company you run or work for will benefit from love-based thinking.

4) Vulnerability Is Power – Are you too afraid to admit you are wrong? The most powerful leaders are the ones who are not afraid to be humble. It is only when you are willing to admit you don’t know everything that you can begin to find out what you need to know and to grow.

5) Giving Is Getting – It is a universal law. The biggest givers are the biggest getters. Bill Gates has given only millions of dollars to bring aid to third world countries, he is now giving of his own time and talent to solve world problems like malaria and HIV/Aids. Hoarders somehow never have enough, but givers always have more than enough. Give of your time to young people who ask you to mentor them. Give of your money to causes and missions that go where you cannot go to make a difference. Give of your love to someone who needs to hear an encouraging word or to simply be hugged If you would like to be furthered inspired, do surf Nanz Komo’s website at this add: http://www.nanzinc.com Enjoy reading!!!!

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Standing on My Own Two Feet

Many at times, a decision is made by a friend but due to the fact that we do not want to risk rejection or displeasing that particular friend, we just flow along and agree to it… This actually suppresses that part of ourselves that is true.. We know deep inside we do not agree with something but choose to go with the crowd.. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to go against the tide.. I am not saying we should be aggressive and go to war against the person but just to assert and speak the truth n be true to our own opinions and speak it in the gentlest way possible and audible enough to be heard.. so years down the road, we can look back n say this is indeed our own personal decision and it is not made due to other people telling us to do so…. May God strengthen us from the inside and allow us to know also what we truly want and go for it with passion…

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Now adays there has been increasing amounts of literature written about the benefits of exercise , especially the aerobic type. The guideline is to exercise at least 30 mins each time and 5 days a week. It is unlike the past when you were advised to exercise only about 3 times per week. I admit I have been lazy for a while.. I regarded walking to the bus stop or train station as a form of exercise but it is simply inadequate. I also told myself running after my child is good exercise but then, this is not intensive over 30 mins right? I find my energy level going down rather quickly after a few mins of activity and I often try to find a place to sit… This cannot go on.. since I have this blog written today, let me commence my healthy lifestyle from tomorrow onwards…this is a proclamation to the folks who are actively reading my blog:)

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Social Integration

I recently had lunch with an old fren of mine. She had been very active in church and especially her cell group and she had been putting in effort to help one cell fren of hers. Her fren, let’s call her MAry, was suffering from Cerebral Palsy, a condition that she was born with which caused her to have impaired muscle strength.Mary recently was diagnosed with depression as she attempted to take her life twice. She felt her life was meaningless and she was not doing well in her work. She had been in and out of employment and had been feeling low for a while. Her father jumped to his death while he was drunk and her mum was the sole breadwinner. Her grandmother who brought her up was diagnosed with lung cancer… what a tragic life!My heart went out to this girl when I heard her story.. not everyone has a life like hers… We are a lot more fortunate than her in many ways. Perhaps our families are intact… perhaps we are holding onto a stable job… My fren had been supporting her and sending her home right after church every week. She also tried to get her out of the house whenever she can and encourage her to join social activities. She tried movies, karaokes, or simply going for a stroll in her neighbourhood… These will at least distract her from her negative thoughts… Mary had the tendency to shut herself out from people and such behaviour only helped to perpetate the feeling of isolation and loneliness and lead to a downward spiral..Let’s hope that Mary gets better and stronger and be able to step out of her gloom…

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Stress Management

Many at times, the feeling of stress comes about because of negative thought patterns. These type of thinking could have been inbuilt since young, it could have come from our parents who were overly protective or pessimistic, thinking that nothing good could happen to them. We can confidently say our feelings are tied to our thinking. Think happy thoughts, we will feel happy. Think sad or negative thoughts, the same corresponding emotions will arise in our hearts. A famous proverb states : ” What he thinks, he is”. Today I will share on some of the ways we can employ to counteract negative thought pattern..

 1) To catch hold of negative automatic thought- Do this whenever u feel yourself going down in your mood. Reflect on what were your thoughts before the feelings came. Keep questioning these thoughts with the question ‘why’ until you come to the original thought. Then you can query the validity of such a thought.

2) Do something contrary to the activity you were engaged in when the negative emotion came— e.g. if you were lying down, get up and watch some TV, if sitting, just take a walk around your neighbourhood to clear your mind. If the room was quiet, play some music.

3) If you are used to be alone, try to call up some friends for a chat or invite some over to your place for afternoon tea. If you usually are an indoors person, go out and bask in some sunlight or run to sweat it out.

4) Exercise– this encourages the secretion of endorphins and greatly help to enhance your mood, making you feel more in control of your life and jacks up your self-confidence.

5) Read motivational books and inspirational passages— type positive statements out, print and then display them on your fridge or print them in wallet-size form so you can take them out from your wallet to read wherever you are. I find the above works very well for me, have a go at these methods, perhaps you can share with me your success stories at how you combat stress in your own ways:)

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Chanel No. 5

I came across the advert explaining how Chanel No 5 came about… It was fascinating and inspiring.U can log onto this add: ttp://www.chaneln5.com/en-ww/#/home My fave French actress Audrey Tautou who was the star in Amelie years ago was in the ad…Have fun and bask in the feeling of mystery in this ad.

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10 Ways to Be Happy

Happiness is a choice. You define how u want to be. Happiness makes people more creative and productive and it makes u a person people want to get close to.

The following are 10 simple ways to stay happy…

1. Spend more of your time with other people than you spend alone. Quality relationships offer you more opportunities to laugh and enjoy yourself.

2. Show appreciation by counting your blessings and keeping a list of the things you are grateful for.

3. Recall every positive experience you encounter during the day, whether big or small.

4. Think memorable thoughts. Memories of good times with love ones or friends last forever.

5. Be humorous. Don’t be afraid to laugh out loud.

6. Release your stress by going to your perfect day in your mind. A place where you always feel calm and happy doing and being your happiest.

7. Be Optimistic. See the glass half full. Always look on the bright side of things.

8. Be creative. Use your creative inner expression. Think back to the things you love to do that seems to make you lose track of all time. Things like painting, dancing, poetry, hiking, etc. Joyful expressions brings happiness.

9.Do good. Show acts of kindness each day, however small it may be, do good.

10. Seize the Moment. Now is the time to celebrate, take someone to lunch, buy those shoes n do whatever good u wish to do.

By simply putting on a happy face makes you not only look better but feel better. Smiling actually relaxes your face muscles. When you take the steps to be happier yourself, you are far better able to make others happier too.

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